Friday, September 29, 2006

Nelson Yrizarry (Y-Bros-K on BrickShelf) has built some awesome MOCs in the past. His PCS specter, Orge and Jin-Du fighter are all outstanding. But this may be one of his best works yet. The waterfall coming over the side is a concept I actually worked into a version of my ever changing FR. He of course, does it much nicer than I did. The bamboo adds a certain mystical feel to the MOC, dunno, it just feels cool. The little computer room is reminiscent of Ryan Wood's Shroom Rock. The more I browse through this folder, the deeper in love I fall with it. *sigh* I must now redo parts of my FR.

He also built a sweet little sailcraft to transport the owner of the FR around. Excellent use of the dino fin as a sail, and the coffin piece as the hull. This guy never ceases to amaze me.

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